Teething is a milestone for babies, it can be a thing of joy for the parents and at the same time an unpleasant one for the babies which gets you the parent uncomfortable and worried. So many parents resort to several options like the use of gels, objects, syrups, tablets, and lots of other items […]
When Should My Baby Wear an Amber Necklace? Teething is a process that generally spans an entire one and a half years. Usually, kids start to develop their first few pearly whites around four months of age, and in a couple of more months, they get a full set of teeth to enjoy the pleasure […]
The Benefits of the Amber Necklaces With a history dating back over 13,000 years ago, amber has been used for jewelry, decoration, and medicine in various cultures around the world. Known for its soothing and healing properties, amber has been used for centuries as a proven remedy for chronic ailments such as muscle pain, inflammation, […]
Symptoms of teething Several signs have been identified before the emergence of the growing tooth. And it can vary per child, some babies exhibit little or no fussiness while some are generally cranky even to the extent of refusing physical contact except birth mother. Here are some of the things to watch out for to […]
Guides on how to care for your amber teething necklace This involves keeping the amber in good condition at the same time keeping it hygienic for your baby by avoiding contamination Cleaning it properly: Cleaning the amber teething necklace is very important to maintain good hygiene and keep it in good condition over time, however, […]
My experience As a new mom, I received several gifts when I gave birth to my daughter, but I would say the best gift I ever received was an Amber teething necklace. My little daughter Nelly, when she reached the teething stage, she was just so restless, crying all night. Each time I gave her […]
How can you relieve the pain your teething baby goes through? Teething Rings and toys: When babies are teething, their first instinct is to gnaw on any object within their reach. This is because their gums are usually itchy and painful. Most times, they gnaw on their fingers and clothes. What you should do at […]
Did you know that wearing amber jewelry can have health benefits? Many adults wear real Baltic amber necklaces to help with inflammatory pain. However, this health benefit is only present when real amber is used because it contains succinic acid. As a result, you’ll need to know that you’ve invested in the right product. Read on to learn […]
Yes, amber necklaces are safe to use, but it’s important to follow basic safety guidelines. While many parents find that amber necklaces help alleviate teething discomfort, caution is still necessary. It’s recommended to remove the necklace before bedtime and avoid letting the baby wear it at night, as it could pose a choking or strangulation […]