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Teething Necklace from Baltic amber: Information and Advice

In this article, we will cover the essential information about the necklace and its benefits to your child.

What is a teething necklace from Baltic amber?

Amber is a fossilized resin and the majority of it is found in the Baltic Sea. What is more, despite amber being found in other parts of the world as well, Baltic amber is known to have the largest amount of succinic acid which helps to alleviate pain and stress. In fact, Baltic amber contains up to 8% of succinic acid. In the past, it was believed that amber has magical healing powers and protects children from evil.

Due to a large amount of succinic acid found in Baltic amber, it is a perfect natural medicine that can be used both by adults and children. For this reason, it is very popular among the natural parenting community. Mothers say that the children who wear teething necklaces are calmer and make less fuss. Other parents believe that due to the cleaning powers of succinic acid, they can form a much stronger bond with their children.

How does it work?

There are multiple benefits of wearing a necklace from Baltic amber. First of all, it soothes the pain and helps to reduce stress. Furthermore, it helps to relax and focus on important things. Moreover, it can prevent the wearer from catching some diseases.

All you have to do is make sure the necklace is in constant contact with the child’s skin. This causes the release of natural oils from amber. Then the skin absorbs the oils and their healing qualities.


A teething necklace made from Baltic amber is completely safe and non-toxic although the parents still should follow any instructions given by the manufacturer before giving the necklace to a child. Moreover, even though the beads of amber are not toxic, you must not allow your child to chew them. Chewing may cause the beads to fall off and the child might choke.

Cleaning the necklace

From time to time the necklace should be cleaned. Cleaning is simple – you just need to dampen a soft cloth in soapy water. Then wipe your jewelry to get rid of dirt. Afterward, dry it using another soft cloth. Keep in mind that leaving the gem to air dry may cause significant discoloration.

Another way to polish the gem is by using olive oil. This helps to remove any grease marks. First, put a few drops of oil on cotton or your own hand. Then gently apply the oil to the piece. When you are done, do not forget to remove the oil by using a soft and dry cloth.

You may also use a silver polishing cloth. These can be found in shops that sell art and craft supplies. It is best to choose a material that has both light and dark panels as light one gets rid of dirt while the dark one can be used for polishing.

When looking for a necklace made from Baltic amber, do not forget to inquire the merchant where the particular piece came from. Many merchants make a profit by selling Opal (which is not yet hardened amber) and fake amber as real things. If you want to be completely sure about the origins of your piece, please ask a merchant to provide a certificate of authenticity that proves that the piece you are purchasing is indeed an amber.


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