Amber is different from other gemstones as it is not really a stone but rather a fossilized resin. In the past, people assumed that amber was produced by Pinites succinic, a type of tree which are native to the Baltic region. However, in the 1980s this was proved to be false and a new […]
Teething is a process that begins any time when a baby is between three and twelve months old. It is a completely normal process; however, it tends to be painful because of gum soreness and swelling. When children are in pain, not only do they feel unpleasant, but they may also refuse to eat […]
Everyone knows about the Silk Road trade route, however, not as many people know that the Amber Road trade route has also existed. It is not known when exactly the trading began but it is assumed that it began in the New Stone Age. Baltic Amber was first discovered in the centres of Jutland and […]
Baltic amber, an organic substance, that is derived from fossil resin that is produced mostly in the Southern regions of today’s Scandinavia and nearby regions of the bed of the Baltic sea that has achieved a stable state through oxidization. The Baltic Amber has become one widely used substance. Having a complex structure, with a […]
Specially handcrafted and polished largely by Lithuanian artisans, the Amber necklace has become a highly recognized piece of jewelry notable for its healing and anti-inflammatory effects on adults and mostly teething babies. This is said to be a result of the warmth of the skin reputedly helping to release the natural oils in the Amber […]
It is no secret that Baltic Amber Necklace is seen as a sort of mystical necklace that helps provide relief and succor to children and adults alike. The Baltic Amber Necklace comes in different shapes, and sizes and they are believed to contain certain mystical qualities that give good luck, pain relief, patience, good health, […]
An amber teething necklace as the name implies is a necklace which is made for babies when their teething begins, the necklace could be worn from when teething starts to when the child is about three years of age. Most of these amber teething necklaces are made from Baltic Amber. This is just simply the […]
Amber contains succinic acid which is found both in nature and our body and it helps with pains and inflammation. This necklace which is usually worn on the neck could serve as a very good gift that we can give to our friends and loved ones, not only is it beautiful it is also medicinal […]
Amber teething necklaces The main component Amber is a deposit from the Baltic region or sea popularly known for its alternative healing benefits for relief of aches such as Rheumatism and Teething pain in infants. Away from journals read and fanatics that may want to overtly scare away new mothers when making the right choice […]