

This was a gift to my great-granddaughter. The fit was perfect and the color so pretty. My youngest granddaughter had this set three years ago. So when it was time, I ordered this set for my great-granddaughter.


My grandson loves it and it has helped tremendously! I will forever recommend this product and this brand and all!


Great product!


I'm generally very science and evidence minded but when it comes to teething, I would sacrifice a chicken under a new moon in the buff if it made a smidgen of difference. Is this voodoo? Placebo? Don't care. It's very cute also.


Love this. It does work a lot. My daughter was getting like 3-4 teeth and was drooling so bad. I was changing her outfit and bib every three hours. Now she only drools a little. And don’t cry like she was. She’s not in any pain. The bracelet don’t fit her but my son who’s 4 loves to wear it.


The necklace I recieved I don't believe this I real amber. The beads feel like plastic, just an amber color. I have no way to test them, just disappointed with the necklace / bracelet combo I recieved.Edit- I did alot more research into amber and I am wrong. These beads are not plastic and come with authenticity, however they are not adjustable. We started teething at 3 months and this necklace and bracelet combo is too big


Needs to be longer


Fits nicely on a 5month old, but it can slide off when he rolls his hand on something. Probably when he gets older it wont.


Great for teething. Easy to get on and off and one was perfect for my daughters ankle.


High quality and worked amazing!
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