Purchased for my 7mo old. Fits perfectly as a Necklace and around the ankle for sleepin in. Has a screw tight clasp which is quite easy to close. She doesn't fuss with it on her at all so im not worried about her trying to eat it. Its lightweight so she doesn't even know it's there. She hasn't fully started teething yet so I can't attest to the pain relief yet but hopefully as she keeps wearing it we won't see much pain relief needed. Its beautiful and would highly recommend.
I love this necklace and bracelet set, my daughters were super cranky because of the teething before and it was such a difference especially when I put the bracelet on my two year old.
Absolutely LOVE this as do both my kids. The top necklace with the different colored beads and the screw closure was my daughters I bought two years ago and the bottom all brown bead one is my sons I bought recent and I live the new closure because it pops open so safer. Drooling really improves with the necklace and it looks so cool. And I can really line up the time he wears it to the times he is not being a colic teething mess.
Dejaré esta reseña por aquí para decirles que es muy bueno y de buena calidad me gustó mucho y con este ya van dos veces que lo ordenó ya que dura 3 años el efecto. Que aunque en mi orden me aparece que no me ah llegado y que quizas se extravió lo cierro es que ya lo esta usando mi bebé y le ah servido de mucho. Muchas gracias por su atención!!!.
When I first got this out of the box I was like "how do I get this on my little one - it's small and not stretchy" It actually took me a few minutes to find the twist together clasp that is built right in to one of the amber beads. I love that this is a natural remedy for teething pain.
My twins both had 2 teeth coming in at the same time..... it was a frustrating time to say the least. I ordered these and put them on them as soon as I got them... within 45 minutes the difference was very noticeable! They were drooling less, less fussy, less clingy to me! I wish I would have got these sooner
I had a choker for my grandson and he kept biting little pieces off of it and we had to take it from him. So we purchased this and he loves it. He doesn't bite on it and it looks great on him. Once he out grows this I will be getting him another one. The quality and all over all of this necklace is amazing. I would buy it again in a heartbeat!
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