My Baby Is Teething – What Can I Do to Relieve the Pain

How can you relieve the pain your teething baby goes through?

  1. Teething Rings and toys: When babies are teething, their first instinct is to gnaw on any object within their reach. This is because their gums are usually itchy and painful. Most times, they gnaw on their fingers and clothes. What you should do at this point is to get them a teething ring or a teething toy. These objects can be gnawed upon by your baby and would provide temporary relief for the itchy gums.
  2. Massaging his gums: Another effective way of providing instant relief for your teething baby is by rubbing a clean finger against his gums. This would soothe the pain and itchiness and serve as a means of temporary relief for your baby. Your baby can equally bite down on your fingers to get some relief.
  3. Cold pressure: Cold pressure also works in relieving the pain. You could store your baby’s teething rings and toys in the refrigerator for a while. The cool temperature of the ring or toy would soothe his gums and reduce his pain and discomfort. Similarly, you could store a washcloth or a spoon in the refrigerator and give it to him to gnaw on it. Chilled fruits or foods suited for babies could work as well. You can place the frozen fruit in a mesh-covered teething ring for him to suck and gnaw.

Painkillers can relieve the pain too but they are not always advisable due to your baby’s age and frame.

  1. Amber teething necklaces: However, one of the most effective ways to relieve your teething baby’s pain is by getting him an amber teething necklace. Amber teething necklaces not only ease your baby’s pain but save you the strength of having to constantly think of new ways to soothe him. They should not be placed in the mouth but should be worn. The succinic acids which the necklace releases, when placed against your baby’s body, go a long way in easing his pain. They are very effective and quite durable. However, they should be made short to prevent your baby from placing it in his mouth and choking on it.

Although, you might be naturally worried and panic when your baby is going through pain as a result of teething, there are ways to work around it and relieve his pain. These remedies listed above would greatly soothe your little one’s pain.

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